Showing posts with label Written Pages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Written Pages. Show all posts

who is the responsible for the destruction of education

Education is the right of every person and it is compulsory to gain knowledge for everyone. Knowledge is treasure and it can’t be have by cramming a student need to comprehend the subject and it only the teacher who empowers his student and bring him about the environment of learning the art of interpreting.

Anyway, today I m going to explain the education system of my country (Pakistan), that what I have mentioned above is not often followed in certain terms, the education system has been demolishing and losing its values due to the Copy Culture in Pakistan. Now the question rises why copying in exams has become our culture?? As far as I have observed the Government is kind of responsible to it and the examiners who has been acting very carelessly while checking the copies and issuing results?

Furthermore, the books that are studied by students are written by the best authors and are not so difficult to understand but despite of that students are not able to appear successfully in final exams that is because teachers are not concerned to make them a good learner student lack the ability of reading and writing English language hence they think that it is the most toughest job to memorize their subjects.

Secondly, the Government has destroyed the education system in Pakistan they are fully responsible for what is happening? Commonly most of schools and colleges help their students to cheat in exams but it is shocking that how the board of examinations is is not aware of all this system? when every common man knows that our children definitely pass the exams by cheating or some how they will get good remarks and result.

But, it is really embarrassing for our community that we have made fun of the education and the Government is just following the wrong way badly. I firmly believe that the Government should take a rudiment step to save our education system and the future of our young generation.
In addition to it, I would like to share the view of a student about education when I asked him to take the studies seriously.

He said that "Copy Culture is our right no need to waste my time to study heavy Books."

These type of thinking is ruining the talent of the students, which cause demolished future of Pakistan.

There is a question rise then who will take step ahead to stop this culture. It will be started by individually or and in group of students, Teachers and notable persons of their area.
 How to Clear Your Mind in 15 Minutes

Some days just get out of hand. The workload is heavy, and still the emails and calls flood in. The pace can seem frenetic, and the constant interruptions not only disrupt your actions but your thought process as well. You move so fast you feel unproductive and sloppy. By the end of the day, you feel stressed and edgy. Worse, you can't shut down your brain because you feel you might have missed something important.

It doesn't have to escalate to the point at which you head home to snap at your kids and yell at your dog. There are simple ways to gain control during the most hectic and frantic of days. Below is a simple, 15-minute regimen from my friend and writing coach Carolyn Roark, Ph.D., who taught college students for years and knows a little about creating calm amid a world of chaos.

The next time the world is spinning you in all directions, go find a quiet place for 15 minutes and use this exercise to recenter yourself in the universe.

5 minutes of physical activity
Even though you may already have your blood pumping from running around the office, Roark suggests that heading outside and running or fast walking around the building will give you a break from the immediate chaos. Separation from the action will help your mind let go of the immediacy of issues. The release of endorphins will lift your mood and begin to break the stress.
4 minutes of gratitude
Now that your body is a little looser, you can start to clear your thoughts. The easiest way to slow down the pace is to remember why you are doing all of this to begin with. Use these minutes to contemplate how grateful you are for the people around you who support you and add value to your life. Be thankful for good health, good opportunities, and the wonders of the world you live in. You can take a broad approach and make a list, or pick one person and write a note. Send it tomorrow; no need for another task right now.
3 minutes of meditation
Now that you are in a positive state of body and mind, you can go to work on getting your mind to clear. Meditation is a very effective way of clearing out all the distractions and allowing you to find your center. There are several approaches you can use. Some people use prayer to quiet the outside and create an inward focus. Others cross their legs and hum. If you don't have an established method, Roark recommends you find some examples on the Internet or find a guided video on YouTube. Either way, make sure it has specific structure that guides you through the process so you have one less thing to think about.


I know it sounds bizarre, but wearing sunglasses while using the computer may actually help protect your eyes from the nasty hidden effects of your monitor.  Although certain eyeglasses are designed to reduce these harmful effects, sunglasses rarely come into the discussion.  So this begs the question; is this an urban legend or is there some truth to it? Does wearing sunglasses while using the computer really help protect your eyes?  As you might expect, the answer is both yes and no.

Research has definitely shown that it actually does help protect your eyes.  You can choose from hundreds of different designs of sunglasses and have them fitted with prescription or anti-glare lenses specifically made for computer monitors.  These are ideal for people who spend long hours in front of the computer, especially older computers which often have very intense graphic displays that are not kind to the eyes.  Wearing specially-coated lenses can help minimize the eye strain caused by being in front of the computer for too long.

However, if you want to give this a try, make sure you wear sunglasses that are appropriate for this activity.  For example, you will want lightly-tinted lenses that are not too dark, because dark lenses are not ideal for reading onscreen text and can result in seriously-strained eyes.  Additionally, ordinary sunglasses picked up at a convenience store may not do the trick. And although I hate to say it, our Matrix sunglasses like Neo Sunglasses, Agent Smith Sunglasses & Morpheus Sunglasses will not work for this purpose either.  The only way for sunglasses to help protect your eyes while you work in front of the computer is if they have special anti-glare lenses.

In conclusion, specific types of sunglasses are made for specific types of activities, and working on the computer is no exception.  Just be careful and make sure you only wear sunglasses that are appropriate for the task; otherwise, you could actually do more harm than good.


some causes of hearing damage
Once hearing is damaged, it often can’t be restored. Some of the many causes of hearing damage include:
Noise – sound is picked up by a small, spiral-shaped organ called the cochlea that is located within the inner ear. Thousands of tiny hairs in the cochlea sense the vibration and pass the message to the brain via the cochlear nerve. These sensitive hairs can be damaged by excessive noise. Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) after exposure to loud noise is a warning sign that your ears have been overloaded.
Drugs – certain chemicals and drugs can damage your hearing.
Disease – some diseases, such as measles, mumps, rubella (German measles) and meningitis, can cause loss of hearing.
Injury – including perforation of the ear drum, fractured skull or large changes in air pressure (barotrauma).

Loud noise and hearing loss
It is a mistake to believe that only noises loud enough to cause earache are capable of causing damage. The inner ear can still be harmed by noise, even when it doesn’t send you a pain signal. A rule of thumb is that if you need to shout to be heard over the noise, it’s potentially damaging. Suggestions on how to protect your ears from noise include:
Avoid exposure to noise when you can.
Consult with your occupational health and safety officer at work if you are concerned about noise levels in the workplace.
When unavoidably exposed to loud noise, wear personal hearing protection such as earplugs, ear muffs or both.
Wear earplugs in noisy environments, such as discos, rock concerts or motor racing events.
Remember that everyday equipment, such as lawnmowers, power tools and personal stereos, may be loud enough to be damaging your ears.

Written by naveen kumar

composing Date.11/4/2015

speech About girls school....

This is for girls who stay up all night,

This for you,who are wlling to fight

For hidden fears,hurt,pain and tears

under the smiles,laughs and giggles we hear

Let your hair down,straight or curls

You are beautiful because you fight like a girl

For girls who wear short skirts and

their heart on their sleeve

For girls who know how

difficult it is to belleve

The girls who scream and cry to their pillows

And tell them their goals,

For girls who have a secret

but can't tell us all

let your eyes be your diamond,

make them your pearls

You are beautiful because you fight like a girl

For girls who have made mistakes

had regrets galore

The girls that my not win but,

always get up from the floor

The girls who take life as it comes,

The girls who have broken the code,

For the girls who hope,that it'll get better

somewhere down the road

Let your steps be a dance,

and jump and do the swlrl

You are beautiful because you fight like a girl

For the girls who love with all their heart

although,it sometimes gets broke

To girls who think its over,

To real girls,to all girls who have

tears to soak

you throw,you pick up and fall

but,just tell the world

i'm beautiful,because i fight like a girl